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Sam Fragoso

Sam Fragoso

A native of Chicago, Sam lives and works in San Francisco as a journalist and student at San Francisco State University. He's the founder of Movie Mezzanine, residential film critic for SF Bay and member of the OFCS. He also happens to be (consistently) illogically idealistic about everything (save for politics).


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Minda Kaling; A Japanese remake of Sideways; Superblogs and entertainment journalism; An interview with legendary documentarians; Paul Schneider interview.


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Lindsay Lohan's reality show; Portlandia stars on This Is Spinal Tap; Aaron Sorkin apologizes for The Newsroom; CriticWire survey; Hollywood has a major problem.


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The King of Comedy and Ms. 45; The one good Wayans brother movie; Looking back at the Richard Boone Show; Manny Farber and James Agee; A review of God's Not Dead.


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Ray Harryhausen's creature drawings; How hollywood killed death; Live-coverage of Hateful Eight reading; Masterful noir films; A short movie.


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Cannes releases their lineup; Fargo, the TV show; Landmark anime; Under the Skin and Only Lovers Left Alive; Documentary subjects who don't want to be documentary subjects.


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Art and improvement; Vampires on film; Philippines censor board makes a wholesome request; An interview with Jackie Robinson's pen pal; Completed movies that have yet to be released.


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Moments in everyday life, captured; Hank Aaron's home runs turned into singles; Say Anything 25-years later; Examining Noah through a Jewish lens; A Silicon valley disaster.