Home Entertainment Guide: March 2021
The latest and greatest on Blu-ray, including The Croods: New Age, Event Horizon, Celine and Julie Go Boating, and Promising Young Woman.
The latest and greatest on Blu-ray, including The Croods: New Age, Event Horizon, Celine and Julie Go Boating, and Promising Young Woman.
Matt writes: July 18th, 2017 marked the 75th anniversary of Roger Ebert's birth. To honor his unparalleled legacy, we have compiled a few of his finest articles into a birthday table of contents. I'd also like to share the clip embedded below of Roger asking Alfred Hitchcock a question via phone on a talk show (thanks to Eyes On Cinema for unearthing the footage on YouTube).
Of late, I've been thinking about how I got here. Here, in love with movie watching and movie making. Here, in a design school in India, and not an engineering college or a medical school like predetermined for most Indian students. Here, in correspondence with a huge role model of mine. Here, doing what I love.